Nancy Elting Sanibel-Captiva Leadership 2024 Testimonial

I was fortunate enough to be part of the CFI Leadership class of 2024, and I had no idea prior to the program how fortunate indeed I was. Before going into any detail I do want to commend CFI for its foresight in creating the Leadership Program. While in times of relative calm, it is a good idea; in times such as post Ian, it is a great idea. The disruption, the unsettled feeling that comes with an event such as Ian calls for steady hands and, ideally, familiarity with life on the islands pre catastrophe. The Leadership Program promotes both as the class is comprised of those invested, either emotionally or financially, in rebuilding. Members of the class are encouraged through the program to lend their voices and their skills to moving the islands forward.

During the program, we were introduced to those functioning day to day in the political, academic, environmental and cultural life of both Sanibel and Captiva.  These were individuals who made decisions, chartered paths, and were able to envision the islands’ possibilities three to five years ahead.  Equally as important was the opportunity afforded to the Leadership class to question, to push back, to engage in meaningful dialogues with the presenters.

Leadership classes come away encouraged to continue or assume volunteering in a chosen area.  They have made contact and interacted with individuals in a wide array of fields.  They have been able to explore possible new areas of interest, and encouraged to apply their time and skills to the betterment of many. Lastly, they have been able to form relationships with classmates they may have otherwise never met.

If there ever was a win/win situation, being a member of CFI is it.